How To Remove Bathroom Sink Drain Flange

Remove Bathroom Sink Drain FlangeThe bathroom sink getting clogged is a very common occurrence. Most homeowners have faced this situation at least once in their life.

A clogged bathroom sink can lead to a myriad of problems and therefore, it should be fixed immediately.

For this, you need to remove the sink drain flange. Now if you are wondering how to remove bathroom sink drain flange, you are in luck!

They can get stuck for various reasons. Some of the main causes could be a rust build-up, accumulation of debris, and others.

Fortunately, you can remove the bathroom sink drain flange on your own, provided you know the steps or procedure. By doing it all by yourself, you can save money on plumbing services.

If you want to know how to remove bathroom sink drain flange without any professional assistance, we can get you started. In the post below, we have covered all the details you need to know inside this article.

Before you call a plumber, you should try out these steps. All you need to do is put in some effort and you will be good to go.

How to remove bathroom sink drain flange?

Instead of wondering how to do it, just follow the simple steps described below. But before you start, you need to get your supplies ready. You need:

  • Bucket
  • Silicon
  • Wrench/Pliers
Here are the steps you need to follow:

  1. corroded bathroom sink drainThe first thing you need to do is remove the sink drain stopper. You can easily remove it with your hands. All you have to do is pull it or turn it left or right and then pilling it out.
  2. In this step, you prepare to remove the sink drain. For this, turn on the water supply and get rid of everything that is below the sink. Place a bucket under the sink as the drain pipe may leak some water.
  3. Now unscrew the P-trap and tailpiece of the drain. Use a wrench to remove the pieces.
  4. Next, you need to unscrew the sink drain flange. Unscrew the tailpiece from the flange and keep it aside.
  5. You can now remove the sink flange. In case, it is stuck you can use pliers to pull it out. However, don’t apply too much force.
  6. Now clean the area under the flange using a towel. All you have to do is just wipe it.
  7. Install a new flange using silicon. Just apply a thin layer of silicon around the corners of the new flange and push it down the drain.
  8. Put all the pieces including the tailpiece and P-strap back in their place.
  9. Turn on the water supply to check if anything is leaking.

Now that you know how to remove bathroom sink drain flangeyou should be able to complete the process without any expert help. Make sure you follow all the steps closely.

How to remove corroded bathroom sink drain?

The struggle to remove a corroded bathroom sink drain is real. If you are done searching the internet how to remove corroded bathroom sink drain, no worries, we got your back.

Here are some ideas you can try:

  • In such situations, heat usually works the best. But instead of a blow dryer, you should use a hot propane torch.
  • You should use a bigger wrench on the nut and tap it with a hammer. This will help you loosen it.
  • In case, things are not loosening easily because of the accumulated rust, you should try some penetrating oil. The best option would be to use WD-40 oil or take a look at how to keep a shower caddy from rusting article to get even better ideas. Let it sit for a while so that it can soften the corrosion or rust on the threads.
If nothing works for you, then you should call a qualified plumber. A professional will know how to remove corroded bathroom sink drain better.

How to remove bathroom sink drain stopper?

If you are wondering how to remove the bathroom sink drain stopper, you are lucky to have landed on this page. We have laid down a step-by-step guide for help.

Here is your bathroom sink drain stopper removal guide:

  1. All stoppers are not the same. Some of them can be removed with hands. All you have to do is just lift it, turn it and then pull it out.
  2. In case, your stopper cannot be moved by hands, you need to use tools. Remove all items from under the sink to create space to work.
  3. Take a flashlight and locate the horizontal plunger rod. It is connected to the vertical strap.
  4. Once you find the metal strap and the rod, you will see a small metal clip connecting the two. Remove this clip and place it somewhere safe.
  5. Now start unscrewing the pivot nut, so you can remove the plunger rod. Place a bucket to collect any water that comes out after loosening this nut.
  6. Next, you need to remove the stopper. At this point, you should be able to just pull it out by hand.
  7. Before replacing the stopper, you should clean all the gunk stuck in the hole. You can use a hair remover tool for cleaning. Also, clean the drainpipe with some detergent water.
  8. Once everything is done, you can put the sink stopper and everything else back to their original position. Make sure that you tighten all the screws and nuts properly, or else it may leak. The opposite as the article about how to block a bathtub drain without a plug – obviously).

Well, now you know how to remove drain stopper sinkAll you have to do is just follow these steps correctly.

How to remove bathroom sink drain stopper American standard?

Just like any other stopper even an American Standard drain stopper can stop functioning sometimes. This needs to be fixed immediately or else it will make your drain work slowly.

If you are wondering how to remove bathroom sink drain stopper American standard, just follow the steps given below.

  1. how to remove bathroom sink drain stopper American standardThe first thing you need to do is thread the cable connector and disconnect the drain from the cable.
  2. Now unscrew the screws on each side of the cam cap and remove it.
  3. Pull the cam straight and wiggle it a bit to get rid of the seal.
  4. Now remove the drain stopper by lifting it out of the drain pipe.

Well, it is this simple to remove an American standard drain stopper.

How to replace a bathroom sink drain flange?

Over time, the sink drain flange gets eroded or cracked. When this happens, it causes water to leak through the sink. In this case, you need to replace the flange to fix the issue. You can check out how to replace a how to remove bathroom sink drain flange tutorials online.

If you need help with how to replace a bathroom sink drain, we have laid down the steps below.

  1. At first, turn off the water valves and place a bucket underneath the drain to catch any leaking water.
  2. Take a wrench and unscrew the screws connecting the P-trap and tailpiece.
  3. stuck bathroom sink drainNow you need to unscrew the tailpiece from the drain flange.
  4. In this step, you need to get rid of the old drain flange. In some cases, it may come straight out when you remove the tailpiece. But if it doesn’t, it means, it is held in place with silicone. In that case, use a plier to pull it out.
  5. Now wipe down the area underneath the sink. If the metal is rusted, clean the porcelain and then dry it. This is required to keep the new drain flange clean.
  6. Next, apply a thin layer of silicone to the underside of the new drain flange and push it down the drain in the sink.
  7. Once that is done, screw the tailpiece tightly into the flange. Use a wrench instead of your hands.
  8. Lastly, you need to reconnect the P-trap to the tailpiece. Tighten both the pieces with nuts.
  9. Now turn on the water supply and let it run through the pipes. Check whether everything is working correctly or not.

Now you know how to change bathroom sink drain flange without any professional help. If you follow all the steps correctly, you should be able to do it without any hassles.

How to remove a stuck kitchen drain flange?

Sometimes the kitchen drain flange gets stuck. This mainly happens due to the accumulation of sediment or rust. But to repair a leaky sink drain, you need to remove the drain flange.

If you are wondering how to remove a stuck kitchen sink drain flange, we have got you covered.

  1. At first, apply some penetrating oil or lubricant onto the threads which are between the drain flange and the securing nut. Let lubricant sit for at least ten minutes.
  2. Use a pair of slip-join pliers, and insert the handles inside the drain cross piece. Then insert a screwdriver between the handles. You need a helper to hold the pliers in place and use the screwdriver as a handle.
  3. Turn the securing nut counterclockwise using a wrench. This will break the sediment or rust a little.
  4. Now take a block of wood and place it flat against the bottom of the drain flange. Hit it a few times with a hammer. This will help you pull out the drain flange from the sink. You can use a knife to cut through the putty or silicon adhesive.
  5. Insert the knife between the sink and the flange. Cut through the putty with the knife while lifting the flange. Once it is done, the drain flange should come out of the sink.

Well, that’s how simple it is to remove a stuck kitchen drain flange. Now that you know the steps to how to remove a stuck kitchen sink drain flangeyou should be able to complete the process.

Push to pop up Sink Stopper Is Stuck Down

pop-up Sink Stopper Is Stuck DownSo your push to pop up sink stopper is stuck down. To fix this you need to follow the steps given below.

At first, you need to pull the plug a bit out. You can use pliers to slowly rotate it to come off. In case, it is stuck, shut the push-down and rotate anticlockwise.

Now clean it thoroughly using a wool wire or brush. You can also use some mold killer or silicon spray (check out how to prevent mold in bathroom ceiling article to find top-rated products). Repeat this several times to loosen it.

Once you are done reassemble everything. Make sure that you don’t overtighten it. Well, that’s how you can fix a push-to-pop-up sink stopper is stuck down.


How do you unscrew a bathroom sink drain?

Locate the plunger rod underneath the sink which connects the stopper to the strap. Remove the clip to disconnect the rod and the strap and then unscrew the pivot nut. Once you do that the stopper should come out freely.

How do I remove a stuck bathroom sink drain nut?

You can cut the nut off with a hacksaw. Make sure you cut it diagonally through the locknut. Alternatively, if you are not going to use the drain basket again, then you can cut between the sink and the locknut and saw through the drain basket.

How do you remove hair from a sink drain?

Mix 1/3 of a cup of baking soda with 1/3 of a cup of vinegar and then pour it down the plughole. As it begins to fizz, it will remove any hair stuck in the sink drain. Allow the solution to soak overnight before flushing it out with hot water.

How do I remove a stuck sink flange?

Turn the locknut counter-clockwise and release the flange from the sink. In case, it is stuck, use a plier to tap the bottom of the flange from beneath the sink. This will help loosen the grip on the sink drain flange and allow it to come out of the sink.


To remove a bathroom sink drain flange, you don’t need a plumber if you know the right steps. In this guide, you have learned how to remove bathroom sink drain flange. This should come in handy when you try to do it on your own. By removing a drain flange, you can make repairs to stop the leaks.

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